Traffic light government: Kühnert praises FDP – “did not run away” from the coalition

Traffic light government
Kühnert praises FDP – “did not run away” from the coalition

In an interview, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert talks about the cooperation with the FDP. (Archive image) Photo

© Fabian Sommer/dpa-Pool/dpa

There is a lot of arguing in the coalition, even if people always come together to reach compromises. Mutual praise is rare. But the SPD general secretary makes an exception.

SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert has Despite many disagreements in the traffic light coalition, the FDP paid respect for remaining in the alliance with the SPD and the Greens. “Yes – that it has not run away in the last two and a half years,” Kühnert told “Welt am Sonntag” when asked what he liked about the Liberals. “I think that is remarkable, because according to the common political interpretation, the FDP is facing an alliance of two center-left parties in this coalition,” Kühnert emphasized.

“The FDP had the longest road to this coalition, has certainly had to endure the fiercest attacks from its own political camp and has suffered many electoral defeats since autumn 2021. But it has not run away from the field. That basically speaks for a sense of responsibility and commands my respect,” Kühnert stated.

When asked about the revival of the traffic light coalition after the 2025 federal election, Kühnert said: “At least one should not allow oneself to be carried away by anger over some processes in the traffic light coalition into excluding it in an act of stubbornness. That would be stupid in view of the realities that we find ourselves in.”

Disagreement over debt brake remains an issue

The SPD general secretary nevertheless once again took exception to the FDP’s rigid stance on the debt brake. There is no way around a more realistic view of loans in order to secure the state’s ability to invest and perform. “Apart from the FDP and perhaps CDU general secretary Carsten Linnemann, I hardly see anyone in the country who rigorously says that everything is fine with our current debt rules,” said Kühnert.

FDP leader Christian Lindner answered the question in the “wochentaz” newspaper whether he saw the FDP as an internal opposition within the government in the negative. “Some people expect the FDP to ignore its mandate from voters and simply pursue red-green politics,” said the Federal Finance Minister. He emphasized: “Incidentally, we also want to continue to govern.”


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