Traffic light coalition: minus record in the survey, dissatisfaction greater than ever

Negative record in the survey: dissatisfaction with the traffic light coalition greater than ever

Weakening traffic light coalition: Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP)

© Michael Kappeler / DPA

The summer break should come in handy for the traffic light coalition to gather new strength: In a survey, the red-green-yellow government is in the worst position since it has been in power.

At the beginning of the parliamentary summer recess According to a survey, the traffic light coalition has slipped to its lowest value since the beginning of the legislative period. In the Sunday trend, which the opinion research institute Insa collects weekly for “Bild am Sonntag”, the Social Democrats land at 19 percent, as in the previous week. The Greens lose a point and fall to 13 percent, the FDP remains stable at seven percent.

Maximum value for traffic light coalition in case of dissatisfaction

Together, the red-green-yellow federal government is at 39 percent and thus at a new low. The Union parties can gain a point and come to 27 percent. The AfD remains stable at 20 percent, the left remains at five percent. The other parties could unite nine percent of the votes.

The traffic light, on the other hand, has reached a new high in the measured dissatisfaction with its work, which the “BamS” has had regularly queried since the beginning of the legislature. 70 percent of people in Germany are dissatisfied with the work of the federal government, only 23 percent are satisfied.

Even among supporters of the chancellor’s party SPD, only every second person is satisfied. At 70 percent, FDP voters are just as dissatisfied as the rest of the population. The Greens supporters are the most satisfied with 56 percent.


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