Traffic jam in Nuremberg: activists stick to the streets – Bavaria

A demonstration in Nuremberg caused long traffic jams on Tuesday morning. According to the police, four activists stuck to the asphalt on the Frankenschnellweg in the morning. When the emergency services arrived, a total of 13 people were partially on the road, blocking the Nuremberg-Westring exit of Autobahn 73 in the direction of Nuremberg – and thus one of the city’s main traffic axes.

The fire brigade was finally able to remove the adhesive, and the police led the other participants in the unregistered rally off the street. The road was reopened after almost two hours. According to a police spokesman, the demonstrators belong to the group “uprising of the last generation”.

In Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and other German cities, activists from this group had recently protested against food waste with such actions and called for a “Food Saving Law”. “Such a road blockade is absolutely unacceptable, it simply goes too far,” Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) told the radio station Antenne Bayern.

Such an action goes far beyond the right to demonstrate, it is no longer covered by it. “It is an unreasonable impairment of other people’s freedom of life. That’s why it’s right for the security authorities and the judiciary to act consistently here,” said Herrmann. The police in Nuremberg are now investigating, according to their own statements, against the four demonstrators who were glued down on suspicion of coercion and against all activists because of possible violations of assembly law.

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