Towards the end of the mask outdoors and the resumption of the epidemic at the start of the school year for Pr Delfraissy

For Professor Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council, it will be very difficult to keep the mask after June 30. – Francois Mori / AP / SIPA

Guest on the set ofRTL, the president of the Covid-19 Scientific Council unveiled various projections regarding the evolution of the epidemic, as well as concerning health restrictions. Based on the current situation in the United Kingdom which is facing “a new epidemic among Indian clusters”, Professor Jean-François Delfraissy notes that “now the virus and the Indian variant dominate over the English variant”.

The latter fears that France too will end up at the start of September with “a switch between the disappearance and the reduction of the English variant to go to the Indian variant”. The president of the Covid-19 Scientific Council is almost in the affirmative: with the change in temperature and the time lag between the moment of contamination and the moment when the symptoms occur, there will be a “recovery” in September October.

A fourth wave “will be very different from the first”

However Jean-François Delfraissy wants to be optimistic and judges that, for the moment, “the situation is contained and goes in the right direction, in France and in all the other European countries” This fourth wave “will be very different from the first waves because we will have the vaccination ”. Clearly, if the variants will be just as virulent “the virus will find a population in front of it with vaccines which will partially protect it”. The professor still remained cautious about a possible blanket immunity in September. “We’re going to try, but I don’t think we’ll reach it,” he confessed.

In the future, Professor Delfraissy assures us that “at some point we will end up with the virus becoming like other corona-type viruses, (or) a seasonal virus”. “Are we going to get there in the winter of 2022 or is it going to take us two years, I don’t know,” he adds.

“Difficult to keep the mask after June 30”

On the eve of Wednesday marking the 2nd stage of lifting of restrictions in France, with for example the reopening of indoor cafes and restaurants, Jean-François Delfraissy also made forecasts concerning health restrictions and in particular the mask. “I think it will be very difficult to keep the mask on after June 30th. You have to be reasonable, the people who are in the countryside, who are going to be on the beaches, who are going for a walk, will say “well, wait for the experts, stop, we are able to wear the mask where it is necessary” “, did he declare.

Professor Delfraissy insists by then for “wearing a mask, including outside, at least until June 30”: “we must do it in particular in very large cities. It will be played out in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Bordeaux ”. “We have a little complex moment in two days, because until now we were outside and now we are going to open inside. And that’s where it will play out, ”said the President of the Scientific Council. “I have no worries if the French are reasonable, if we manage to maintain respect for barrier gestures, the wearing of masks, including outside, at least until June 30”.

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