Towards a ban on gas boilers in France?

The government is launching a consultation until July 28 with elected officials and professionals during which a ban on the installation of new gas boilers will be considered, it was indicated this Monday evening at the Ministry of Energy Transition.

A pure and simple ban on the installation of gas boilers “is one of the possibilities open to consultation, it is on this subject that we are consulting the sectors”, it was specified from the same source, specifying nevertheless that it would be “not a replacement obligation” and that the evolution would be “very gradual”.

Reduce fuel and gas emissions

“This consultation is part of the ecological planning” launched by Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and should make it possible to “secure the achievement of the country’s climate commitments by 2030”, in particular by seeking to know how to “accelerate the dynamics of removal of fossil boilers (fuel and gas) “in buildings, in the tertiary park and in the residential park, it was specified from the same source.

CO2 emissions from the building sector amounted to 75 million tonnes in 2021 and will have to fall by around 45 million to reach 30 million in 2030: “this involves drastically reducing emissions linked to fuel oil and gas by accelerating the replacement of gas-fired boilers and the insulation of housing,” adds the government. Currently, the use of buildings – excluding construction – represents 18% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, and 60% of this total comes from gas heating, specifies the Ministry of Energy Transition.

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