Top 10 social professions recruiting in France

In France, 1.3 million social workers, 90% of whom are women according to the DREES, are essential to supporting and accompanying individuals. They work in various areas such as social assistance, education, early childhood, personal service and professional integration. Whether it is helping an elderly person to stay at home, supporting a student with a disability at school, or helping a young person in difficulty find a job, their versatility and dedication strengthen social cohesion.

The social life assistant (AVS)

The social care assistant (AVS) is a key player for people in a dependent situation, particularly the elderly. In a few hours a day, he transforms their daily lives by helping them with meal preparation, cleaning, outings, administrative procedures and hygiene. Specializing in home life, life in collective structures or inclusive education, the AVS provides vital support.

Accessible without the baccalaureate, the profession requires the DEAES (State Diploma in Educational and Social Support). This sector is growing, with ever-increasing demand due to longer lifespans. The home help sector is a real source of jobs, promising a stable and rewarding professional future.

The specialized territorial agent for nursery schools (ATSEM)

ATSEM is a true pillar of early childhood, guiding young children through every stage of their day. He not only supervises their activities, but plays a crucial role in their daily lives: he helps them eat, get dressed, take a nap, takes care of little injuries and is always ready to listen to them. Versatile, it also supports nursery school teachers and can lead games and workshops to make learning more fun.

Whether in nursery schools, nurseries, associations or leisure centers, ATSEM is wherever there are children to support. To join this rewarding profession, you must pass a competitive examination after obtaining the Professional Aptitude Certificate for Early Childhood Educational Support (formerly CAP Early Childhood).

Medico-psychological help (AMP)

The AMP, also known as a home helper, is a dedicated professional who accompanies and supports people of all ages with physical or mental disabilities. Their role goes well beyond daily technical assistance, such as dressing, feeding and bathing. It establishes a relationship of trust with people in difficulty or children, offering valuable psychological and social support.

This profession is mainly practiced within private associations or directly in relation with individuals. Accessible without the baccalaureate, the profession of AMP requires the State Diploma of Educational and Social Support (DEAES). The employment outlook is promising: according to a 2022 France Stratégie survey, there are 233,000 positions to be filled among caregivers, AMPs, childcare assistants and medical assistants.

The specialized educator

The specialized educator plays a crucial role in helping people with disabilities or those facing social difficulties to overcome their obstacles and fully integrate into society. Its educational method is adapted to each individual, aiming to strengthen their self-confidence and develop their autonomy. Through artistic and cultural activities such as theater, music and writing workshops, it encourages beneficiaries to discover their potential, acquire new skills and better manage their emotions.

To become a specialized educator, it is necessary to follow a three-year training course leading to the DEES (State Diploma of Specialized Educator), accessible after the baccalaureate. Remuneration generally varies between 1,700 and 2,500 euros gross per month, depending on professional experience. This profession requires not only advanced teaching skills, but also great empathy and an ability to understand and respond to the individual needs of those supported.

The social and family economy advisor (CESF)

At the heart of the fight against social exclusion, the social and family economy advisor (CESF) positions itself as essential support to help individuals and families overcome their difficulties. By identifying their specific needs such as access to housing, financial problems or prolonged unemployment, the CESF offers informed advice and information on the rights available. It also teaches the basics of budget management and provides referrals to other professionals if necessary, such as social work specialists.

Although more CESFs are generally found in the private sector than in the public service, local authority social services remain important employers in this field. To succeed in this demanding profession, the CESF must demonstrate a keen sense of listening, compassion and a great ability to transmit their knowledge without ever underestimating the people they support.

Supporting students with disabilities (AESH)

In the school setting, the support person for students with disabilities (AESH) plays a crucial role in helping young people overcome everyday challenges linked to their disability or their health. From note-taking to hygiene care and travel, AESH adapts to the specific needs of each student to promote their autonomy and social integration. In close partnership with teachers and parents, it provides personalized support which allows each student to receive the attention and supervision necessary for their development.

Endowed with great interpersonal skills, the AESH brings not only its expertise but also the kindness and patience essential to effectively supporting students throughout their educational journey. This profession requires a strong team spirit and a deep commitment to the well-being and development of the young people he supervises.

The socio-cultural facilitator

In the social and cultural domain, the socio-cultural facilitator deploys his talents by designing and leading varied activities for diverse audiences, whether in neighborhoods or retirement homes. Its role goes well beyond entertaining: it stimulates socialization and exchanges by encouraging the active participation of participants. From the production of short films to musical workshops and social debates, he catalyzes the creativity and imagination of those he supervises.

At the same time, he can initiate literacy projects, provide information on social assistance, or play the role of mediator during interpersonal conflicts. Always dynamic and enthusiastic, he masters the art of captivating his audience with impactful animations that draw on his boundless energy and his ability to inspire.

The social service assistant

The profession of social service assistant, predominantly represented by women, plays a central role in helping individuals overcome their difficulties and reintegrate into society. The social worker faces a multitude of challenges from over-indebtedness to finding housing or employment, offering much more than just listening by providing practical support. Whether by helping to complete administrative documents or by directing people to the right resources such as CAF, France Travail or Mission Locale, it effectively guides its beneficiaries. To excel in this profession, she must combine patience, empathy, and a keen sense of communication. Faced with sometimes urgent situations, she demonstrates great responsiveness, organization and availability.

The professional integration advisor (CIP)

At the heart of the job search, the professional integration advisor (CIP) is a valuable guide for those looking to (re)find work. An expert in the job market, he offers personalized support, from writing CVs and cover letters to preparing for job interviews, including guidance on suitable training with appropriate financing solutions. . Its mission goes beyond consulting: it helps create bridges between the skills of candidates and the expectations of recruiters, thus facilitating their professional integration.

To become a CIP, different training courses such as the professional title of professional integration advisor, the BUT Social Careers or a professional license in Social Intervention are possible. Salaries generally vary between 1,700 and 2,400 euros gross per month, depending on the sector of activity and experience. This profession requires not only strong technical skills but also great empathy and an ability to understand the individual needs of job seekers.

The childcare assistant

In crèches, daycare centers, kindergartens and PMI centers, childcare assistants are at the heart of the daily lives of children under three years old. Its main mission? Ensure their well-being by meeting their essential needs while encouraging them in their development. Whether it is to learn cleanliness, stimulate language or encourage the first steps, the childcare assistant is there, adapting her approach according to the place where she works.

To become a childcare assistant, you must complete a one-year training course leading to the DEAP (State Diploma in Childcare Assistant), accessible without a prior diploma requirement. It is a rewarding profession which offers progressive prospects, with a salary starting around 1,700 euros gross per month at the first level and reaching around 2,600 euros gross per month at the end of your career. As a crucial support in the first years of children’s lives, the childcare assistant embodies a valuable blend of technical competence, sensitivity and dedication.

You can also find all the professions in the social sector via our job descriptions.

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