A sumptuous dinner costing more than 1,200 euros, the purchase of opinion studies after television appearances by Laurent Wauquiez… The regional chamber of accounts has tackled the communication expenses of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and its former president Laurent Wauquiez, in a report included on Thursday on the menu of its plenary assembly.
The most notable facts, including the famous dinner at the price of a minimum wage between Laurent Wauquiez and the writer Michel Houellebecq, were revealed following leaks to the regional press at the beginning of August, in the middle of the Olympic Games. The elected official assured that he did not know the amount of the bill and then said he was ready to reimburse the “excessive sums”. The LR deputy re-elected following the dissolution has since left the presidency of the region under the rules on the non-cumulation of mandates.
Communications fees organized around Wauquiez, potential right-wing presidential candidate
The report from the regional chamber of accounts specifically highlights communication costs largely organized around the person of Laurent Wauquiez, potential right-wing candidate for the next presidential election.
This “amalgamation” “can lead to incurring expenses that are not solely motivated by institutional logic,” underlines the financial watchdog. The region’s “visibility” strategy “would benefit from being presented for information” to the regional council, she adds.
“Less than 1% of the total budget” of the community
The regional executive, today chaired by Fabrice Pannekoucke (LR), assures for its part, in a scathing response published in the appendix, that “less than 5% of communication expenses highlight the regional president”. As for the information of elected officials, “despite our request, the new president refused to allow the CRC report to be the subject of deliberation” and will only be entitled to two minutes of debate on Thursday during the plenary assembly, deplores Johann Cesa, vice-president of the socialist group.
If the CRC underlines that the region’s communication expenses represent “less than 1% of the total budget” of the community, it nevertheless points to restoration costs “increasing significantly in 2022” with an envelope of 77,180 euros compared to 22,718 euros in 2019. Fifteen meals were scrutinized, including two dinners with Michel Houellebecq for 1,248 euros and 900 euros, a lunch for six people including three journalists from Valeurs Acteurs, for a disputed amount (5,100 euros according to the CRC, less than 2,000 euros for the region)…
Purchasing opinion studies with political connotations
The court also asks to “put an end to the purchase of opinion studies with political connotations” and cites a study carried out after an intervention by Laurent Wauquiez on BFMTV in March 2021 during the regional election campaign. “An investigation which concerns the image of the president of the regional council presents a personal political interest for the person concerned, but not necessarily a local public interest”, note the auditors. This point was the subject of a report to the courts by the socialist opposition group.
The report also returns to the organization of the Summit Dinner in June 2022, a sumptuous meal organized at the expense of the region with around a hundred guests, the cost of which amounts to 150,000 euros according to Mediapart and which is the subject of an investigation by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office.
“No illegality in operation” according to the region
In an offensive response, the region noted that the court “noticed any illegality in the operation” and strongly contested the remarks on studies with political connotations and business meals.
For her, the report includes “obvious errors of analysis”, as well as “legal and material errors” on certain points. The region, which accuses the CRC of having “ignored” certain documents transmitted, also denounces “a general tone made of suspicions, insinuations and unfounded judgments of expediency”.