To the polls, citizens! From Thuram to Mbappé, the Blues shatter the apoliticism of sport

In Paderborn,

It is by his public positions that we judge an athlete’s freedom of speech. And without a doubt, that of Marcus Thuram is immense. Asked about the upcoming legislative elections, before the entry of the Blues against Austria this Monday, he went much further than Ousmane Dembélé – who had called on the French to go and vote – who himself was went further than Kingsley Coman or Dayot Upamecano, for whom only football and the Euro should count.

“I learned about it (the results of the Europeans and the dissolution of the National Assembly) after the match against Canada and we were all a little shocked in the locker room. This is the sad reality of our society today. I think there are messages that are conveyed every day on TV to help this party (the RN) get through, he explained. We have to fight on a daily basis so that this does not happen again and so that the RN does not pass. I have no doubt that everyone in the French team thinks like me. Zero doubt. »

The apoliticism of sport takes a big hit in the wing

We must carefully appreciate the scope of what took place on Friday at a press conference on the Paderborn side. Never in the history of our country has a player on the French team taken such a clear stance against the far right. There was indeed Zidane, in April 2002, between the two rounds of the Presidential election between Jacques Chirac and Jean-Marie Le Pen. Lilian Thuram in 2006, or Raymond Domenech, who called the founder of the FN an “idiot” when the latter, in one of his outbursts of which he was fond, judged that there were “too many players of color” among the Blues. But none had been so explicit.

“In the tradition of his father, Marcus Thuram is fully committed. He does it because he judges that the moment is sufficiently serious, analyzes Jean Baptiste Guégan, teacher and expert in the geopolitics of sport. It’s interesting to see athletes show off and assert themselves. He does not invite you to choose a camp but to refuse one, that of the RN. It’s a position that seems consistent with the values ​​of sport. If there is one place where unity is achieved in diversity, to use the European motto, and where the republican ideal materializes concretely, it is there. »

By taking a stand against the National Rally, the Inter scorer has definitively shattered this famous apoliticism of sport and athletes so dear to Noël Le Graët and Hugo Lloris, who had attempted the most beautiful pirouettes in history circus for above all not taking sides on the issues of human rights and the fight against discrimination in Qatar, two years ago. This also makes the communication of Emmanuel Macron out of date, who constantly repeated that we should not “politicize sport”, while appearing in an idiotic way alongside Mbappé during the 2018 World Cups. and 2022.

“There will always be people who say that footballers should mind their own business, that they just kick the ball because they have no brains. But I like it. I think that’s very good, greets former international and consultant for beIN Sports Daniel Bravo. It’s a good development to see today the players come out of their reserves and show another side of themselves, they show that they are concerned by what is happening. » The reactions of the political class were not long in coming with, on the one hand, those who applauded with both hands, whether on the of the Popular Front or Renaissance, and on the other, to the RNthose who curse the speaking of “Tikus”.

The FFF communicates on its “neutrality”

Highly anticipated on the subject due to his media weight and his aura among younger generations, captain Kylian Mbappé also began his press conference on Sunday by talking politics and calling on the French to go and vote. Even if its message evoking “the extremes” and not the extreme right, like Marcus Thuram, can legitimately cause confusion.

“We know that we are in a very important moment in the history of our country, an unprecedented situation. This is why I really want to address all the French people and especially the young generation: we are a generation that can make a difference, he declared. Today we see very clearly that the extremes are at the gates of power. We have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. This is why I call on all young people to go vote and realize the importance of the situation. I hope my voice will carry as much as possible. » »

If he continues by advocating the “values ​​of diversity, tolerance and respect”, at no time does number 10 of the Blues specify which extremes he is talking about, even if, by declaring that he “stands behind” the opinion of Marcus Thuram, the Bondynois leaves little room for doubt. But without saying it clearly.

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“I want to be proud to wear this jersey on July 7. I don’t want to represent a country that doesn’t correspond to my values, our values. You don’t have to hide. It is often said that you should not mix politics and football. I agree when it concerns trifles, but when it is situations like this, it is very important,” continues the Madrilenian.

Deschamps kicks in, the Fédé evokes its “neutrality”

A speech which contrasts with the lukewarmness of that of the coach Didier Deschamps, who we know is not very fond of this type of political position, and who did not wish to take sides in this yet burning debate, explaining that he was “disconnected” in as a selector of the issues that are currently agitating our country. A bit like its Federation which, on Saturday, distinguished itself through a very careful press release, there too. While recalling that each player was free to express themselves as they saw fit, “according to their own convictions and their own sensitivity”, the Federation was obliged to set the record straight as far as it was concerned.

“Very attached to freedom of expression and citizenship, the French Football Federation supports the necessary call to vote, a democratic requirement. It also wants its neutrality as an institution to be understood and respected by everyone, as well as that of the national selection for which it is responsible. As such, it is appropriate to avoid any form of pressure and political use of the French team,” she warns.

“If it has the merit of protecting the players from any political exploitation, this press release also shows to what extent the sporting authorities have difficulty in taking a political position and breaking away from this myth of apoliticism which has a good backing, deciphers Guegan. If we were more cynical, we could even say that he is preparing the future, whatever it may be. What is certain is that they avoid any form of controversy and this can be seen as a desire not to offend their partners, their sponsors but also voters who have or will vote RN. »

A very uncertain future

It remains to be seen the impact that this position will have on the French people and on the players who will come to a press conference in the days to come. We can also wonder what would happen if, on July 7, the RN was in power, and the Blues won the European championship. Would we see the players taking part in festivities at the Elysée with a Prime Minister named Jordan Bardella? There is room for doubt. But for the moment this is just somewhat vain political fiction.

Now, and this is putting a lot of pressure on their shoulders, “everyone will wait for the Blues to rebuild the unity of the nation, on republican values ​​which are dear to them, through their journey to the Euro », predicts Guégan. The Blues’ matches could indeed serve as a moment of lightness in this most tense political climate, at least as long as they go well. Otherwise, we cannot advise Marcus Thuram and Kylian Mbappé enough to stay very far from social networks for a moment. In 2021, the one who was not yet captain of the Blues had to face number of racist insults after his missed shot on goal against Switzerland. And he hadn’t even talked about politics.

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