tips for choosing

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The swing gate

Traditionally and even if it currently faces serious competition from the sliding gate, the swing gate remains the most widespread. It consists of two mobile leaves that push or pull depending on the model chosen.

This type of portal has several advantages:

  • This solution is quite simple to implement. Indeed, the masonry necessary for the installation is characterized by two simple pillars which will come to frame the gate and allow its support. Generally, these pillars are made of concrete, but it is also possible to use metal posts.
  • Such a portal can be motorized to simplify entry and exit.
  • In addition to being a solution with very simple implementation, it is also economical. This is probably the reason why this solution is favored in case of renovation.

But it also has several disadvantages:

  • The swing gate, especially when motorized, is wind sensitive. Thus, in windy regions, to counteract this drawback, it is preferable to favor a gate whose leaves are perforated, which makes it possible to reduce the wind resistance.
  • The size of a swing gate is important, it is therefore necessary to have a space that allows the complete opening of the leaves, either inwards or outwards. As a rule, this gap is estimated at 2 meters, but it will be more if the portal is wider.
  • This is not a suitable solution if the access to your home is on a slope.
  • For its motorization, it requires the installation of 2 engines.

The sliding gate

The sliding gate is available in two versions. He can be on rail or freestanding. In both cases, to open and to close, just slide the gate. It is currently a solution widely used by professionals responsible for securing very wide openings. What is at the origin of the success of this type of portal with individuals is its aesthetics, its elegance and its modern side.

This type of portal has advantages:

  • It is not necessary to have a pushback behind the portal, but it will be necessary to have space on the side. Depending on the configuration of your exterior, it can therefore offer real interest and allow you to park just behind.
  • Unlike the swing gate, the motorized sliding gate is less sensitive to the wind and only requires one motor.
  • In the case of a large openingthe sliding gate is more effective.

But it also has several disadvantages:

  • On the side he requires sufficient discharge space to accommodate the gate when pushed.
  • The ground must be flat and the installation of the guide rail may require extensive work.
  • It must be perfectly installed to be easy to handle and care must be taken that nothing can damage the rail on the ground, such as the roots of a tree, among others.
  • Finally, its cost is higher than for a swing gate.
Sliding gate
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Analyze your exterior

To choose the type of gate that will suit your home, you must take into consideration the characteristics of your exterioryour habitsas well as your budget. Take into account that the gate should be practical for everyday use and in harmony with the style of your home, as well as your garden. Here are some other criteria to consider:

  • The space you have and where it is going to be installed will already be decisive in the choice of your gate. So determining that it is quite possible that the choice imposes itself. The same goes for the direction of openness. For example, if your land has a slope, then you will have to favor an outward opening and vice versa if the slope is on the exit side, but if you have enough discharge on the side, the best choice is then the sliding gate.
  • If you want to install a gate that gives you access to the public road, it will then not be possible to have leaves with opening on the outside, because, in this case, you would encroach on the public way. The choices that are imposed on you are then a swing gate with opening on the inside or a sliding gate, depending on the configuration of your garden.
  • Another criterion to consider will be the space between the gate and the house. It may be too small to allow the opening of a gate swinging on the inside or to allow you to park there, while being able to close the gate afterwards. You will then have to opt for a swing gate whose opening is to the outside, if possible, or for a sliding gate.
  • Whatever your choice of gate type, turn to a quality portal that will last over time and withstand the weather.

Consult the PLU

When choosing your gate, you must certainly take into account the configuration of your land, but it is also essential to check the different regulations which can impose colors, materials, but also portal shapes:

  • Urban planning rules : Rules may be imposed depending on where you live.
  • Subdivision internal regulations : if you live in a housing estate, remember to refer to this regulation.
  • PLU or Local Urban Plan : it is to be checked with your town hall.
  • Land limits: Also, it is important to make sure that your gate respects these rules. Indeed, it must in no case encroach on the public road or on the neighbour’s land. Even for a few centimeters, you could run the risk of having to demolish your gate. It is also important to ensure that the leaves do not open onto the roadway.

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