Thuringia: Dead person after fire in accommodation for refugees

Dead person after fire in refugee shelter

The fire brigade extinguishes a refugee accommodation in Apolda. A dead person was found after the fire. photo

© Johannes Krey/Jkfotografie&tv/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The fire is said to have started early Sunday morning. The cause of the fire is still completely unclear.

A dead person was found in a refugee accommodation in Apolda after a fire. Eight other people were injured, as the police and the spokeswoman for the Weimarer Land district office said on Sunday. MDR Thuringia had previously reported. The fire is said to have started early Sunday morning. The cause of the fire is not yet clear. Fire investigators were requested, said the spokeswoman for the district office.

According to the spokeswoman, around 300 people live in the accommodation. Since the building was uninhabitable after the fire, the people were taken by bus to an initial reception for refugees in Hermsdorf in the Saale-Holzland district.


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