Three times as many trains are late compared to 1954

Strikes, incidents, number of passengers, heat waves, cold… The causes are multiple but the result is the same: SNCF trains have been increasingly late for sixty years. Exactly three times more, between 1954 and 2020, according to a study published in March by the Transport Service Quality Authority (AQST) and relayed by the JDD this week-end.

The punctuality of our TGVs, TERs, and other Ouigos, “has deteriorated sharply since 1954 for all rail services, notes the organization attached to the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Thus, the train delay rate in France (all passenger rail activities combined) was multiplied by 3.3 between 1954 and 2020, with a loss of 6 punctuality points. »

In detail, “the impact on punctuality of a 10-year aging of the fleet of the main constituents of rolling stock varies between +10% and +22% of passenger train delays”, specifies the study. In addition, the increased use of National Rail Network (RFN) lines “by all SNCF passenger services led to an increase in the rate of delays (all passenger activities combined) of 6 points between 1954 and 2019.”

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