Three suspects imprisoned after the excesses of the anti-pass demonstration

Three people, suspected of being involved in acts of violence against the police and damage, during the anti-pass demonstration on February 12, in Montpellier (Hérault), were placed in pre-trial detention. , pending trial, say the police.

During this demonstration, which brought together, according to the police, some 2,500 demonstrators in the city center of Montpellier, several windows were broken, including those of two banks, and garbage cans set on fire, by a radicalized part of the participants, according to the Departmental Directorate of Public Security (DDSP) of Hérault.

The police, who had been targeted by projectiles, had responded by repeatedly using tear gas, in front of the Hérault prefecture and on the Place de la Comédie, to disperse the crowd.

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