On November 5, ‘Star Academy 2024’ students underwent evaluations led by their godmother, singer Clara Luciani, ahead of a rescheduled live show. Contestants showcased personal stories through song, with standout performances from Ebony, Marguerite, and Franck. Emotional moments highlighted the challenges faced by the participants, including Ulysse and Noah, as tension builds with one contestant facing elimination on Friday night. Viewers can catch all performances and exclusive content on TF1.
Star Academy 2024 Evaluations with Clara Luciani
This Tuesday, November 5, the students of ‘Star Academy 2024’ gathered for their evaluations in the presence of their godmother, the talented singer Clara Luciani. This evaluation day was held one day earlier than usual, as the fourth live show of the season has been rescheduled for Friday due to a rugby event airing the following day on TF1. Following Thomas’s departure last week, the suspense builds around which three candidates will find themselves on the hot seat.
Stunning Performances and Emotional Stories
In a unique twist, inspired by Clara Luciani, candidates Marine, Ulysse, and their peers shared their personal stories through songs of their choice. Ebony stood out with a breathtaking rendition of ‘Zombie’ by the Cranberries. “I first heard this song on my mother’s iPod when I was very young. Understanding its meaning brought me to tears,” she shared, highlighting the song’s powerful message of peace.
Ebony’s performance left both her teachers and classmates in awe. “If I don’t make it in music, I want to manage you,” Marine told her after the performance. Michael Goldman, one of the teachers, remarked, “This is the first time I’ve seen the live show version of Ebony during evaluations.” Clara Luciani herself admitted, “I forgot it was an evaluation; she completely transported me.”
Marguerite also captivated the audience with her interpretation of ‘Drôle d’époque’ by Clara Luciani. “I realize this is a risk because you’re here,” she said to Clara. “As a child, I longed to be an adult, and now that I am, I wish to return to my childhood.” Her passionate performance resonated deeply, with Noah declaring, “She gave a masterclass,” while Hugues noted how she made him forget the context of her singing in front of Clara Luciani.
Franck shared his journey through doubt after moving from Congo to France with a poignant cover of ‘Et Bam!’ by Mentissa. His emotional delivery impressed the judges, with Clara Luciani stating, “He already has one foot in the future with what he will present next. He is ready.” In contrast, Ulysse expressed frustration after his performance of ‘In My Blood’ by Shawn Mendes, feeling he faltered during a raw moment discussing his anxiety attacks. Despite attempts from classmates to lift his spirits, Clara mentioned she had mixed feelings about the performance.
Noah also faced challenges during his rendition of ‘Tourner la tête’ by Amel Bent, while Maureen struggled with some unusual notes on ‘Je pense à vous’ by Linh, accompanied by Masséo on piano. As the evaluations conclude, the stakes rise, with one of the contestants set to leave the Château permanently on Friday night.
Stay tuned for the daily show, all performances, and exclusive excerpts from the season streaming on TF1.