This is why fiber is unhealthy for some people – healing practice

Health problems from dietary fiber?

fiber are known for their beneficial health effects. However, there are people for whom dietary fiber is more associated with negative consequences. Thus, dietary fiber may present symptoms in some individuals inflammatory bowel disease strengthen.

A new study involving researchers from the University of Alberta has hypothesized that dietary fiber promotes intestinal inflammation through a specific mechanism in people with inflammatory bowel disease. The results were published in the journal “Gastroenterology” released.

Does Fiber Reduce or Increase Inflammation?

Dietary fiber leads to a anti-inflammatory effect and also promote the digestion. However, it is known that some people with inflammatory bowel disease which increase inflammation and presenting symptoms when certain unfermented fiber is ingested.

Typical symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease include stomach pain, Diarrheabloody stools, weight loss, delayed puberty and a long-term increased risk of colon cancer, the experts report.

We know that fiber consumption is beneficial to health and that it promotes good gut health in healthy people, but patients with inflammatory bowel disease often complain of discomfort when consuming fiber‘ explains the author of the study Heather Armstrong in a press release.

We wanted to find out why 20 to 40 percent of patients are sensitive‘” Armstrong continued.

Some fiber can be difficult to ferment

The team has now found that some types of dietary fiber particularly difficult to ferment are if certain microbes are not present at all or are not working properly. This is the case in people with inflammatory bowel disease.

According to the research group, such dietary fibers can be found, for example, in Artichokes, chicory roots, garlic, asparagus and bananas contain.

Identify people at risk

Experts are already working on the development of a special one stool testswhich should enable the im colon to study the microbes present in humans to predict which individuals will experience an adverse reaction when consuming certain types of fiber.

For those affected specific dietary recommendations created and treatment could be adjusted, the research team said.

By developing this stool test, we hope to be able to tell you how to adjust your diet to prevent disease flare-up or further deterioration“, emphasizes the author of the study Professor Eytan Wine.

According to the expert, this is a very dynamic situation. It is therefore possible that some foods, for example, have a cause negative reactionbut then again a few months later easily consumed can become. (as)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • Heather K Armstrong, Michael Bording-Jorgensen, Deanna M Santer, Zhengxiao Zhang, Rosica Valcheva, et al.: Unfermented β-fructan fibers fuel inflammation in select inflammatory bowel disease patients; in: Gastroenterology (published queried 10/14/2022), Gastroenterology
  • University of Alberta: Dietary fiber is good for you, except when it’s not (published 10/13/2022), University of Alberta

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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