This is what the National Assembly will look like

The first results of these legislative elections have fallen, and it is disappointing for Emmanuel Macron. Together ! which gathered for these elections LREM and its allies did not obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly. This union would obtain between 210 and 250 seats according to Ifop, on the side of Elabe it would be between 205 and 235.

Two months after his re-election, the head of state who had repeatedly urged the French to give him “a strong and clear majority” was not heard. These scores also raise questions about the continuation of Elisabeth Borne’s lease at Matignon: in search of allies, will Mr. Macron have to recompose his government from floor to ceiling?

La Nupes, which had banked on the union of the various left-wing parties to obtain this much-desired majority, did not succeed. Between 150 and 180 seats would be theirs according to Ifop, and between 170 and 190 on the side of Elabe.

The majority will also have to deal with a reinforced National Rally. Their objective was not the majority but rather to build a solid opposition, it is done. Ifop places Marine Le Pen’s party between 80 and 100 seats, and 75 and 95 for Elabe. This is the big surprise of this second round, after a campaign in retreat, erased by the duel between the Macron camp and the left.

The Republicans and their allies are behind the extreme right with an estimate of 60 to 70 seats for Ifop and 60 to 75 for Elabe. A few other seats are filled by parties: between Div. right 7 and 12 for the right miscellaneous, between 4 and 8 for the left miscellaneous, and one seat for the sovereign right. If confirmed, these unprecedented results under the Fifth Republic raise the question of Emmanuel Macron’s ability to be able to govern the country and get the promised reforms passed.

Discover the results of the second round of the 2022 legislative elections by city, department and district on 20 minutes.

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