This is how Baden-Württemberg is fighting the fourth corona wave. – Opinion

Baden-Württemberg wants to tighten the rules, but only for those who have not been immunized. This is the right way. And there is one politically wise exception.

The so-called 3G rule has been in effect in many places in Baden-Württemberg since mid-August: Only those who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested are allowed to go to the cinema, restaurant or hairdresser. Nevertheless, more and more people have become infected with the coronavirus, and the seven-day incidence has increased. The figures from the State Health Office show a clear difference: in those who were fully vaccinated, the incidence before the weekend was 18.7, in those who were not vaccinated it was 208.8. And of the 170 or so Covid 19 patients currently being treated in the intensive care units in Baden-Württemberg, more than 90 percent are not vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to the Ministry of Health.

It is therefore right that the country is planning stricter requirements for unvaccinated people: A new ordinance is to come into force this week that provides for restrictions in the event that even more Covid 19 patients have to be treated in hospitals than currently. The green-black government wants to set two thresholds above which it becomes uncomfortable for unvaccinated people. If the first value is exceeded, adults without vaccination have to present an expensive PCR test almost everywhere where a rapid test is required. And if the number of patients increases to such an extent that a state-defined “alert level” is reached, a 2G rule applies to businesses such as restaurants and cinemas – those who do not have vaccination protection must stay outside.

The regulation has not yet been published, some details are still open. But the general direction is correct: If a new lockdown is necessary to break a fourth wave of infections, then this would have to be limited to unvaccinated people. Those who are immune to the virus must be exempt from new restrictions. It is politically wise that the state government expressly exempts children and young people from the tougher rules and increases the pressure to be vaccinated only for adults.


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