Third media closes out of fear for the safety of its journalists

It was one of Hong Kong’s most popular online news outlets, with more than 800,000 social media subscribers. Journalists from the CitizenNews news site on Monday denounced the decline in press freedom in the territory, hours after announcing a cessation of their activities for fear for their safety.

This closure comes less than a week after the closure of the pro-democracy news site News stand who has been the target of searches and seven arrests for “seditious publication”, the latest example of the crackdown on the local press by authorities loyal to Beijing.

The police raid on Stand News as a trigger

CitizenNews, a non-partisan news site founded in 2017 by a group of seasoned journalists was funded by its readers. It announced its closure on Sunday, specifying that its website would no longer be updated as of midnight Monday evening.

On this final day, journalists explained that their decision was rooted in the raid carried out last week on Stand News.

“We have done our best not to break any laws, but it is difficult to know the outlines of law enforcement and we can no longer feel safe to work,” Chris Yeung, co-founder of CitizenNews told reporters. and former chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA).

“Journalists are also human beings who have families and friends,” he added. Chris Yeung said his editorial staff had not been contacted by law enforcement, but decided to shut down due to what happened in other media.

“Can we work on ‘safe news'”?

“Can we work on ‘safe news’? I don’t even know what safe information is, ”editor-in-chief Daisy Li, also a former president of the HKJA, told reporters.

As these journalists were speaking, the new members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council reserved for “patriots” were swearing an oath of loyalty. Last week, 89 of 90 lawmakers issued a statement supporting the national security police raid on Stand News.

The nationalist daily Global Times welcomed the closure of CitizenNews on Monday. “Like Stand News, it also published articles severely criticizing the central government and the Chinese Communist Party,” the newspaper writes.

The former British colony has long been considered, due to its great autonomy from Beijing, as a bastion of press freedom in Asia and many international media had established their regional headquarters there.

A deteriorating climate for the press

But the climate for the press has deteriorated considerably with the muscular recovery that followed the popular mobilization of 2019. A draconian law on national security, imposed by Beijing in 2020, has become the main instrument of repression against dissent .

In June, the pro-democracy Apple Daily closed after its assets were frozen and its executives were arrested. Stand News closed its doors last week after seven arrests in connection with this media. Among them, its editor-in-chief Patrick Lam and his predecessor Chung Pui-kuen, since indicted for “conspiracy to carry out a seditious publication”.

With few exceptions, the local media are increasingly bending to the official line, while the executive has made the public service broadcaster RTHK close to the Chinese official media, which are subject to tight censorship.

South China Morning Post urges Westerners to sweep outside their doors

Over the weekend, Yonden Lhatoo, news editor at the South China Morning Post, a leading English-language daily in Hong Kong owned by Alibaba founder Jack Ma, called criticism from Western countries of the end of press freedom in Hong Kong of “devoid of morality” and advised them to sweep outside their doors first.

To illustrate his point, he mentioned the case of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, imprisoned in a British prison pending his extradition to the United States.

AFP, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and Bloomberg are among the foreign media with regional headquarters in Hong Kong. The New York Times and the Washington post moved part of theirs to Seoul due to the political situation in Hong Kong.

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