These health benefits are offered by kiwis – Heilpraxis

Why are kiwis so healthy?

The kiwi not only contains essential vitamins and minerals, according to the nutritionist, it can Gillian Culbertson of the Cleveland Clinic (USA) also to protect against heart attacks, strokesinfection and cell damage.

In general, the expert advises kiwis in the nutrition to take in order to promote their own health. Below, Culbertson explains exactly why the kiwi is so healthy and how eating it affects the body.

Dietary fiber in kiwis promotes gut health

Kiwis contain many fiberwhich are known to have the aid digestion. It should be noted that there is a lot of dietary fiber in the Peel of the kiwi and it’s perfectly edible, emphasizes Culbertson.

By consuming kiwifruit, the stool can be transported through the large intestine more easily and quickly, and at the same time gas and indigestion reduced, according to the expert.

In addition, kiwis deliver prebioticswhich promote and help the growth of beneficial gut bacteria intestinal flora to keep in balance. This balance “is important for many bodily processes, including fighting disease and regulating hormones‘ explains Culbertson in one press release.

A healthy intestinal flora can digestive problems, infections and protect against disease.

Kiwis contain a lot of vitamin C

A kiwi contains more vitamin C than two oranges. Vitamin C offers a variety of health benefits, such as: Strengthening of the immune systemsupporting the absorption of iron by the body and the formation of collagen in the skin.

Protection against heart attack and stroke?

A single kiwi also delivers seven percent of the recommended daily amount vitamin E, which is important for the immune system and heart health. The vitamin promotes blood vessel health, reducing the risk for heart attacks and strokes decreases, according to Culbertson. The vitamin E in kiwis is also very bioavailableso it can be easily utilized by the body.

Kiwis protect against cell damage

Overall, kiwis are also a good source of antioxidantsthat before cell damage protect against so-called free radicals and oxidative stress. “Eating antioxidant-rich foods like kiwi can increase the risk of diseases, including some cancers and heart diseasesto decrease‘ said the nutritionist.

Antioxidants found in kiwis also strengthen it immune system and improve them moodwhich is particularly beneficial during the winter months, adds Culbertson.

Kiwis rich in potassium

The body needs potassiumto work properly. Already contains a single kiwi 215 milligrams of potassium. Getting enough potassium through your diet protects against it cardiovascular diseases (for example high blood pressure and strokes), kidney stones, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes.

Potassium helps regulate chemical reactions and fluid balance in the body‘ explains Culbertson. However, there is the problem that people often lots of sodium consume, which lowers potassium levels and can lead to health problems.

Therefore, one should make sure to eat enough foods with potassium and little sodium, according to the expert.

Contain a lot of vitamin K

Already contains a single kiwi 31 micrograms of vitamin K. “Vitamin K helps keep bones strong and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin K may also help prevent coronary artery disease, a leading cause of heart attacks and heart failure‘ the nutritionist explains.

Kiwis offer multiple health benefits

Overall, according to Culbertson, kiwis can make a significant contribution to health, with particular emphasis on the benefits for the intestinal flora and digestion as well as for that immune system and the cardiovascular health are to be highlighted. (as)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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