“There can be no question of fear changing sides”, promises Jean Castex

Brigadier Eric Masson died Wednesday in Avignon in intervention – Daniel Cole / AP / SIPA

  • The Prime Minister came to preside over a short half-hour ceremony in Avignon to pay a national tribute to Eric Masson, a police officer who died in intervention.
  • While anger roars among the police, Jean Castex reaffirmed his support for the police.
  • He also promised to strengthen the fight against drug trafficking, in a very harsh speech on the subject.

From our special correspondent in Avignon,

Who is Jean Castex really addressing, this Tuesday, behind the microphone at the back of the courtyard of the Vaucluse prefecture? A few meters from the drama that shook Avignon last Wednesday, the Prime Minister, accompanied by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti, takes the floor, for an express national tribute of half an hour returned to Eric Masson. This brigadier died last week by bullets during a banal check on a well-known deal point in the Vaucluse prefecture.

At the rostrum, the Prime Minister first endeavors to praise the qualities of an “exemplary” police officer, already praised a few minutes earlier during the ceremony by the sister of the victim, Fanny, herself a police officer, and his group leader, Major Thierry. “There are no less than ten letters of congratulations in his file,” recalls Jean Castex.

“There can be no question of fear changing sides”

But quickly, the eulogy turns into a rigid security discourse, like an echo of the emotion tinged with anger that this drama has aroused. Since Wednesday, the demonstrations and the positions taken by police unions have multiplied, overwhelmed by what they consider to be chain attacks, a few weeks after the murder of another police officer in Rambouillet. A wave of protest such as these same unions were received this Monday evening by the government.

“There can be no question of fear changing sides,” insists Jean Castex. And to assert, as if to better reassure the police: “The Republic has obligations with regard to its police officers. There is no question of accepting the unacceptable. We will never allow the fact that the slightest aggression against a depositary of public authority may not lead to serious, rapid and certain consequences against its author. “

“This fight against drugs disturbs”

And to promise to “strengthen” in particular the fight against drug trafficking, at the origin of the death of Eric Masson. After recalling the government’s stated will in this matter, the Prime Minister spoke directly to the victim. “Yes, dear Eric, we will continue. “

“This fight against drugs disturbs”, believes the head of government. And it is the whole industry which is subject to severe criticism from Jean Castex, from “those who sell stupidity in bars and death in bags” to “thugs who do not hesitate to buy the complicity of the youngest to serve as a lookout. or delivery men ”, including drug users themselves who“ fuel this underground economy with their purchases ”, and even“ those who seek to smear the republican order. “

A speech by the majority leader who hardens a little more a few weeks before the regional and departmental elections, and one year from a presidential election where the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, who regularly takes a position on these subjects, seems, according to the latest polls, already well under way towards the second round….

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