There are still 5 million people at risk to be vaccinated, estimates Medicare

Medicare beats the recall. “More than five million people” suffering from co-morbidities have not yet been vaccinated against Covid-19, the health organization said on Thursday.

“These are 5 million people who are at risk when the epidemic resumes”, insisted Dominique Martin, national medical consultant of the National Health Insurance Fund during a press briefing.

Insufficient, but steadily increasing

Over the last two months, the increase in the vaccination rate of people with at least one pathology associated with a risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19 is “variable, but often substantial”, notes the Insurance, however. disease. Thus, in mid-July, 78.2% of people on dialysis had a complete vaccination cycle (+9.4 points between May 23 and July 11), 70.4% of those with Down’s syndrome (+20, 9 points), 74.1% for those suffering from active cancers (+26.8 points), 62.7% for respiratory diseases (+31.8 points) and 69.7% for diabetics (+31.8 points).

Overall, on these populations, “we gained 14 points for the first injection and 31 points for fully completed vaccinations,” said Dominique Martin.

Regarding the other risk factor, age, Medicare reports “still a million people over 75 who have not had an injection [86,15 % ont eu une première injection, 81,4 % ont un schéma vaccinal complet] “, To which is added” a little more than a million people between 65 and 74 years old [88,3 % une injection, 82,7 % complet] “.

Other operations to come to support vaccination

Among the actions undertaken since the end of March to support vaccination, Medicare reports 7 million letters sent to people aged 50 and over, 3.5 million more targeted letters, 7.15 million text messages, etc. as well as more than 2,000 actions in the field (ephemeral, itinerant vaccination, at home, etc.).

To “continue this mobilization”, treating physicians have been able since July 14 “to request the list of their unvaccinated patients,” said the director of Medicare, Thomas Fatôme, adding that 4,800 general practitioners had. for now made the request.

Pharmacists will also receive from this Thursday flyers and educational kits to distribute to people suffering from diabetes or in a situation of obesity and, next week, the medical service of the Medicare will begin to contact the 20,000 people of over 16 years without attending physician and with high risk pathologies.

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