The Vaucluse prefecture limits fuel sales at service stations

The Vaucluse prefecture decided on Monday to limit fuel sales at service stations in the department, until Thursday inclusive, in order to avoid phenomena of “preventive purchases detrimental to the proper functioning” of these stations.

“Stockpiling is creating shortages. The prefect of Vaucluse calls on the population to be civic-minded and responsible for everyone. It advocates civic behavior, to ensure that everyone’s needs are met,” she said in a statement.

Thirty liters per car

“Throughout the Vaucluse department, the sale and purchase of fuels (petrol, diesel, ethanol, LPG) are limited to 30 liters for vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes and 120 liters for vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tonnes, ”said the prefecture.

This limitation “does not concern vehicles of public services or companies carrying out a public service mission”. “The sale and purchase of fuels (gasoline, diesel, ethanol, LPG) in manually transportable containers are prohibited (in particular jerry cans and cans) throughout the department of Vaucluse”, added the prefecture.

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