the unions announce a first day of mobilization on January 19

For the first time in 12 years, a completely united trade union front, from the CGT to the CFDT via FO and the UNSA, opposes the pension reform carried out by the government. All have warned that the social rebellion will be muscular. In other words, strikesprotests and blockades are expected to occur in the coming weeks. “The objective is to start as quickly as possible, because we know that the government will want to go very quickly by skipping the necessary debate in Parliament”, entrusted to Figaro Céline Verzeletti, confederal secretary of the CGT.

According to the unions interviewed by the editorial staff, two or even three major days of mobilization should be organized by the start of the winter holidays. The dates of January 19 and 24 are mentioned. Then, a hard movement should take hold over time from the beginning of March. The first announcements will fall today. An inter-union meets at the Bourse du Travail in Paris at the end of the afternoon.

Refineries, transport, public service… All sectors of activity are expressing their desire to harm the government’s project by all means. To know more, you can read our article >>Pension reform: France promised to the disorder of social movements and blockages

Laurent Berger, general secretary of the CFDT, accompanied by Philippe Martinez, general secretary of the CGT. AFP

SEE ALSO – Pensions: Cyril Chabanier (CFTC) predicts a “hot” month of January

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