the turtle wins the competition, find out who was hiding behind the last three characters

Camille Combal brought together for the last time the three finalist characters of Mask Singer this Tuesday, October 11, 2022 on TF1. The bride, the turtle and the elephant faced off for the last time of the season against the jury of investigators made up of Chantal Ladesou, Vitaa, Kev Adams and Jeff Panacloc.

It was ultimately the turtle who was chosen by the spectators and who left with the trophy, symbol of his victory in the competition, after a final solo performance on Sam Smith’s hit Writing’s on the wall. She therefore succeeds Laurence Boccolini the unicorn, Larusso the penguin and Denitsa Ikonomova the butterfly.

But before the coronation, all the characters still in competition sang a duet with characters from the previous season. The deer, the banana and the butterfly thus made their big comeback on the stage of Mask Singer much to the delight of viewers.

The identity of the bride revealed in the middle of the show

It was first the bride who had to drop the mask after receiving the fewest votes from the public in the middle of the show. Throughout the season, she had been able to save her skin during numerous face-to-face meetings, eliminating show after show her opponents to reach the final. She finally stopped on the third step of the podium.

For several weeks, the investigators puzzled over the identity of the bride who offered numerous services on the set of Mask Singer. Often in the sweetness, she distinguished herself thanks to her voice even if very quickly suspicion fell on a celebrity who did not make himself known thanks to his talents as a singer. During the last performances, the quartet of jurors seemed to agree that it was a sportswoman.

Under the huge rose hiding the face of the bride was hiding the boxer Estelle Mossely. The jury had been put on the trail of the one who was both world champion and Olympic boxing champion after first citing the names of footballers Amandine Henry and Wendie Renard.

No surprise under the elephant mask

The final duel opposed the elephant to the turtle. It is therefore the turtle that was acclaimed by most of the public present during the recording of the show. As tradition dictates, it was therefore the character who came second in the competition who had to take off his mask first.

If the elephant was able to make its place in the competition over the episodes, escaping elimination during many face-to-face meetings, the jurors had very few doubts as to its identity. From the first performance, almost all of the investigators believed that it was the singer Keen’V. The costume of the imposing mammal, dressed as a firefighter, referred to the firefighter activity that the 39-year-old artist exercised before becoming known through his music.

This intuition was finally verified at the time of the unmasking after a final performance on the title Say you won’t let go by James Arthur. “They found me from the start,” complained Keen’V once his face was revealed. He assured that participating in the show was a great experience: “You tell yourself that it’s not you, you can dare anything you want. »

The turtle will have kept the public spellbound

It was only at the end of the program that viewers were able to discover the identity of the winner of the competition and after eight episodes of suspense. As tradition dictates, his unmasking closed the season.

The turtle was the character that gave the investigators the most trouble. Each week, she lost a little more the quartet who never really knew how to pierce her identity. During the last episode, four names were mentioned: comedians Anthony Kavanagh and Gérémy Crédeville, singer Vincent Niclo and host Bruno Guillon.

After long minutes of suspense and once the mask aside, the public discovered that it was the singer Amaury Vassili who was hiding under the features of the turtle. “It’s been a crazy adventure,” said the 33-year-old tenor. He takes the show trophy with him.

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