The true story of the Titanic lovers

What if the Titanic lovers weren’t really who you think? Even if for you Rose and Jack surely form one of the most romantic couples in cinema, well they didn’t really exist. At least not under those names.

But don’t worry… There is an equally beautiful love story that really happened on the Titanic. This story is told in full in the video at the top of this article.

Our own “Rose and Jack” are called Ida and Isidor Straus. Isidor Straus was born on February 6, 1845 in Otterberg, Germany into a large family. Four years later, about fifty kilometers away, it was Ida Blum who was born in Worms in the south of Germany, also on February 6.

The family of Isidor Straus emigrated to the United States in 1854. That of Ida Blum did the same and also joined the United States.

About fifteen years later, Isidor Straus and Ida Blum meet. Beyond being both born on February 6, they share common origins. They come from Germany and also come from families of Jewish origin. As if fate had wanted to bind them, Isidor and Ida fall madly in love and decide to get married in 1871.

The following year Ida gave birth to their first child, Jesse. And the family is growing. Clarence, Percy, Sara, Minie, Herbert, Vivian and George… In total, the couple has seven children, one of whom dies in infancy.

Now, if you want to know what this story has to do with the sinking of the Titanic, just watch the video placed at the top of this article!

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