The transport sector called upon to make an effort of sobriety

Leaders in the transport sector presented their proposals on Tuesday for saving energy. An effort which concerns above all “what surrounds their activity”, according to their minister Clément Beaune, for whom sobriety should not lead to a reduction in service.

“The first problem is the fight against climate change,” recalled the Minister for Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the government having set an energy saving target of 10% in two years. “It’s not necessarily 10% on each of the chapters, it’s 10% collectively,” she said, opening a meeting at the Ministry of Ecological Transition in Paris.

A “collective, reasonable and proportionate” effort

“What is expected of you is that everyone in your perimeter, you go find what is most effective and that we can accompany you,” added Ms. Pannier-Runacher, recalling that transport was “today ‘today the leading greenhouse gas emitting sector’.

She asked for “a collective, reasonable and proportionate effort” to achieve this objective, complicated by “the practical exercise of the Ukrainian crisis”. “Chosen sobriety” should be able to avoid rationing measures, she said.

Carpooling, heating regulation, air conditioning…

Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune cited general measures for “everything surrounding their activity”, such as better regulation of heating and air conditioning in buildings, energy renovation, encouragement of cycling, carpooling or car sharing. It is also considering more specific measures, for example “eco-driving” in public transport, which makes it possible to better control energy consumption.

“Transport is part of the ecological transition, green transport, public transport, rail in particular”, he remarked to journalists. “Sobriety is not less transport and less mobility. Sobriety does not mean fewer trains and less public rail service, ”he insisted. “Downsizing is not a scenario we are asking of the transport sector,” he said.

A summary expected “by the end of the month”

The two ministers had brought together leaders of major transport players such as Groupe ADP, Air France-KLM, Keolis, RATP, SNCF, Transdev, Société du Grand Paris, Vinci Autoroutes, Sanef and Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône. , Waterways of France and major ports.

A “global summary” of the measures envisaged is expected “by the end of the month”, according to Clément Beaune.

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