The traffic light and nuclear power: How Scholz’ word of power came about – politics

federal government


Power and powerlessness of a chancellor

Reading time: 10 mins

So Olaf Scholz refers to the authority to set guidelines, which means something like: I, the boss, make the decisions. Basta. Apparently he had had enough of the week-long nuclear power plant dispute between Robert Habeck and Christian Lindner.

(Photo: Clemens Bilan/EPA)

He can not? Doesn’t he want to? For weeks, the FDP and the Greens argued about nuclear power, but nothing was heard from Olaf Scholz. Now there is something like a word of power from the chancellor. But there is also a residual risk.


Michael Bauchmüller, Nicolas Richter, Henrike Roßbach and Mike Szymanski, Berlin

The day after the thunderstorm, mild rain falls in Berlin, and Olaf Scholz acts as if nothing had happened. He is standing in the chancellery in front of a window pane with drops running down it and is giving a talk on the energy transition in general. While the viewers’ eyes may already be wandering into the vastness of the park behind the large window, Scholz inserts the sentence somewhere: “As you know, we will also continue to run three nuclear power plants.”

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