The Theater PUR in Pullach celebrates its premiere – district of Munich

It is a “great release” for Holger Ptacek that he and his company “Theater PUR” can finally perform the anniversary play “Helden” by George Bernhard Shaw in the Pullach community center this Friday. In which he directs and also plays with himself. This was actually planned for 2021, the year in which the theater group wanted to celebrate its 15th anniversary. However, the corona pandemic had thwarted the plans of the author and director of numerous plays and the SPD municipal council in Pullach. A two-year break and the uncertainty of how things could go on at all had robbed him and his actors of a lot of energy. “Usually in the theater you plan a year ahead,” says Ptacek. He still feels an uncertainty today, but “that we can go on stage again”, everyone enjoys that very much.

The theater group that Ptacek founded in 2006 consists of 31 people when he started his own business as an artist, including a puppeteer. With a previous combo, he had already reached “superior amateur level”, as he says. In any case, all current members do their thing “with love and passion”, and that’s why it was so difficult to have to do without it. All in all, Theater PUR has put on 154 performances of 16 different plays. So far, Ptacek has written seven plays for his group, one of which will be performed on October 14 at 8 p.m. in the Pullach Sportheim. It is entitled “Frauen 5 vor 12” and deals with the topics of dementia and care. Ptacek practically wrote it specifically for the women who make up the group. “They were horrified,” he recalls, “when they found out about it””They didn’t believe that a play with these themes could be funny.” But it can, assures the author.

The play “Helden”, which is set against the background of a war in the Balkans, has meanwhile attained unexpected topicality due to the war in the Ukraine. “I was surprised how little has changed,” says Ptacek. “Power politics always stays the same.” However, the story is not about war, but about a pair of lovers and, according to the director, is “a wonderful comedy”.

“Heroes” in the Pullach community center, beginning at 8 p.m., more information is available at

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