The teacher collects the most beautiful sayings from her students on Instagram

“Live from Snack Time”
“Being awake makes me so tired”: The teacher collects the most beautiful sayings from her students

If the day lasts too long, children can quickly become intolerable

© Mypurgatoryyears / Getty Images

Children have their hearts on their sleeves, are open about their feelings and don’t care what others think about them. A teacher from New York collected the best quotes from her students and other children.

Anyone who has children of their own or is in frequent contact with children could probably fill entire books: The little ones are virtually churning out one funny saying after the other – whether intentionally or because they don’t know any better. With their cheek, honesty and naivety they make adults smile again and again.

Alyssa Cowit has this experience all the time. She works as a teacher in New York City and hears what her students are saying every day. That is why she has been running the Instagram page “Live from Snack Time” on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for years. There she shares the children’s best sayings so that others can benefit too. She now also publishes submissions from all over the world. We have put together a selection here.

The best children’s quotes

For example, some children have very clear ideas about what the world should be like:

  • “I don’t want to bring donuts to school on my birthday. It’s my birthday. The others should bring me donuts.” (Colton, age five)
  • “I have too many cousins. I have to sell some or part with them.” (Christian, six years)
  • “When I’m a big girl, I can drink wine and touch hot cookies.” (Lauren, age five)
  • “Growing up just means babysitting yourself.” (Savi Rao, six years old)
  • “Mom, you make the plan, but I’m still the boss. Okay?” (Hannah, nine years old)
  • “I ate real yesterday, so I just want to eat ice cream today.” (Carter, age four)

Can you leave children at home alone?

Others get to the heart of their feelings in ways that adults never could:

  • “When I’ve had too much day, I cry.” (Bonnie, three years old)
  • “I’m not mad! I’m just hungry and I hate you.” (anonymous, seven years)
  • “Can you wrap me up like a little burrito and carry me?” (anonymous, four years)
  • “I’m going to marry William. He’s funny and that’s important in a marriage.” (Addison, age five)
  • “Can I have an ice cream so I don’t think about donuts all the time?” (Hazel, six years old)
  • “Being awake makes me so tired.” (Elena, five years)

Children say what they think of at the moment – without ulterior motives or fear that something might be embarrassing or inappropriate.

  • to the teacher: “I think you deserved a raise. I have no money, but I made this dog out of aluminum foil.” (Sam, ten years)
  • “Don’t work too much, papa. Make sure you play a little too.” (Noah, three years)
  • “I’m not cleaning this up. I’m not Cinderella.” (Lilly, five years)
  • “Trees are airports for birds.” (Emmett, age three)
  • “Sometimes my mouth hurts because I talk too much.” (Olivia, three years)

Cowit believes “that children are honest and curious, and while often at a loss, they are brilliant”. It is her job as a teacher to take seriously what the students say. In total, almost 750,000 people follow their accounts on social networks. She is by far the most successful on Instagram with more than 620,000 followers.

Source: “Live from Snack Time” on Instagram


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