Was the rear wheel of the motorcyclist accused of killing Kamilya, 7, who was crossing a pedestrian crossing on a street in Vallauris, in the Alpes-Maritimes, on August 29, intentional? In his version, the suspect, a 19-year-old student, assured that his motorbike had lifted by itself, due to “a little trickle of gas” that had surprised him. A version called into question by the video surveillance images and the findings of the investigators.
According to these documents, relayed by BFM TVthe handlebars of the motorcycle are “no longer in line with the rear wheel” which could “suggest that he is maneuvering to keep his motorcycle stable”.
Did the suspect use his phone before passing the cars?
The police are also wondering if the driver of the two-wheeler was using his mobile phone while driving. They noticed on the images that the suspect “appears to be looking at something” and “holding an object in his left hand”, seeing him “lower his head” then “lower his hand towards his leg”, they commented.
This gesture occurred just before the student decided to overtake the cars, without seeing the children crossing. During his hearing, the young man claimed that his phone was on a holder on the handlebars of his vehicle.
Where did his Uber delivery bag go?
Another troubling aspect for investigators: the disappearance of an Uber Eats delivery bag. In the images, this bag is on the suspect’s motorcycle but it has never been found.
The accused explained that he had used the bag to take personal belongings inside but that he no longer worked for the brand. He also said that he had put his bag on the ground after the accident and that it had disappeared.
The investigation is therefore continuing. In the meantime, the suspect remains free, placed under judicial supervision. Last Wednesday, the investigating chamber of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal confirmed the decision made by the judge of liberties not to place the suspect in provisional detention. The court considered that it was “not demonstrated” that he was “capable of repeating the facts, nor of exerting pressure on potential witnesses”.