the suspect indicted for murder, forcible confinement and rape

The suspect in the case of the disappearance of Justine Vayrac, 20 years old, missing in Brive since Sunday,
was indicted on Thursday for the suspect for murder, forcible confinement and rape. He was and placed in pre-trial detention, indicated the public prosecutor of Limoges Baptiste Porcher during a press conference.

The prosecutor provided details on the confessions of the defendant who admitted to killing Justine Vayrac this Sunday, after taking her to his home and having had consensual sex with her, according to him. He would then have taken the body of the young woman to the forest before returning “looking for an agricultural machine to dig the earth to bury the body” explained the prosecutor. An autopsy must be carried out to know the exact causes of death but Baptiste Porcher indicated that the first findings report blows received in the face, “including at least one with a contendante weapon”.

The body found on the indications of the suspect

It’s in the very last hours of his police custody which ended this Thursday morning
that this 21-year-old farm worker fell in love. Pushed to its limits in the face of its contradictions, but also the discoveries of the investigators, he therefore admitted to having killed Justine Vayrac. He then gave indications which directed the search this morning to a wooded area near his home in Beynat in Corrèze, details which made it possible to find a body this Thursday morning. The public prosecutor of Limoges indicated that everything led to believe that it is indeed that of Justine Vayrac.

A 21-year-old young man from Corrèze

The suspect, a young 21-year-old farmer comes from a family in the commune of Beynatwell integrated, he was known to the inhabitants and was even part of the village football team. He was an “acquaintance” of Justine Vayracshe had already met him several times in a nightclub.

The investigations were very early directed towards this 21-year-old man after the first hearings of the witnesses who had indicated that he was the last person Justine was seen with this Sunday morning in Brive. The searches carried out in his vehicle and at his home revealed traces of blood.
. Mobilized to search the surroundings of the suspect’s home, the police and gendarmes in charge of the search also found the young woman’s handbag charred near his home.

At Beynat, “it’s amazement”

In Beynat, the town where the young man of 21 years lives, the emotion is strong this Thursday, “it’s terrible, it’s amazement” for this couple crossed in the streets of the village. “We are very sorry for this two-year-old who finds himself without his mother.” they explain that the body was found by investigators in an area near the suspect’s home.

The body was found near Beynat, where the suspect resides, about twenty kilometers from Brive in Corrèze.
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