The survey found that the majority of Americans Don’t want Meta to own Metaverse data.

A survey of 1,000 US consumers on the growing interest in the metaverse has revealed some interesting results.

A survey commissioned by NFT token provider Advokate Group and metaverse infrastructure found that 87% of respondents preferred a decentralized metaverse on blockchain over some of the larger projects planned by the tech giant. This became more apparent when 77% of respondents shared their concerns about Facebook’s entry into the metaverse, particularly the ownership of the user’s metaverse data.

Facebook has had a bad past with mishandling users’ personal data. And as a result, plans to launch a stablecoin known as Diem had to be shattered, and the stablecoin project faced heavy scrutiny from the US Congress. And finally the project came to an end. And similar concerns are growing with desire for Facebook’s multibillion-dollar metaverse.

When asked when the metaverse could become mainstream: 20% of respondents believed it could take 1 to 2 years, while 49% said it could take 3 to 6 years. Gaming was the primary choice for spending time in the metaverse, followed by socializing, with 55% of respondents saying they would spend more than three hours a day in the metaverse.

The majority of respondents also expressed an interest in making money while playing games, with the play-to-earn model gaining momentum, with 93% of respondents saying they would spend their time playing games. More if the minimum wage can be achieved, and 64% said they would spend more than three hours if it was actually making money, and 87% would switch to full-time gaming if it was well paid.

Metaverse will become popular in 2021, and now almost every major tech giant be it Apple, Facebook or Google is looking to launch or invest in this ecosystem.

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