The survey found! Most game developers don’t care about NFT or Crypto payments.

A recent survey revealed that Most game developers and their studios have no interest in developing or working with NFT tokens or Crypto payments.

typeexplore As published by the Game Developers Conference on January 21st, titled State of the Game Industry 2022 A survey of 2,700 game developers was surveyed about their level of interest in NFT and cryptocurrencies.

Most of the respondents indicate that their studio ‘not interested’ in using cryptocurrencies as a payment tool (72%) and ‘not interested’ In NFT (70%), only 1% responded that they are developing NFTs or are already using cryptocurrencies as a payment tool.

Of the 14 comments on NFT and crypto from developers published in the survey. Only one comment is positive. while all other comments are negative. The only positive comment indicated that “It is the wave of the future.”

One respondent stated that the entire NFT industry was problematic, while others reflected concerns about the future state of the gaming industry if crypto and NFT were included.

The NFT market is currently driven by traders, collectors, and gamers, on OpenSea, the largest NFT market in the world. The trading volume is driven by collectibles. Currently, the Azuki collection has a maximum seven-day trading volume on the platform at 27,163 ETH ($6.5 million).

NFT-based Decentralized App (dApp) games accounted for $35 million in the last 24 hours. That volume comes from about 867,000 users, according to data from DappRadar

According to the report of Mordor Intelligence When NFT is broadly integrated into the traditional gaming industry That will allow them to reach over 3 billion gamers worldwide.

Respondents also had a generally negative attitude about metaverse gaming, although more than a dozen companies are now developing augmented reality (AR) and VR devices to make gamers more immersive. virtual game The report states that “About a third of respondents believe that the metaverse will not perform as promised.”

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