The star brings controversial fairy tale book from Hungary to Germany

Boycotted by the government
The star brings Hungary’s most controversial children’s book “A Fairy Tale Land for Everyone” to Germany

Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban sees the children’s book “Wonderland for Everyone” as an attack on conservative and traditional family values.

© Laszlo Balogh / AP / DPA

A gay prince, Cinderella and her alcoholic father, plus an adventurous king’s daughter – this is a no-go for ultra-conservative and right-wing extremists in Hungary. Of the star has now acquired the rights to the controversial fairy tale book.

Of the star has acquired the exclusive rights to the Hungarian fairy tale book “Meseország mindenkié” (in German: Märchenland für alle) for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is expected to be available in stores in the spring of next year star-Book appear.

A gay prince, Cinderella with an alcohol-addicted father, a rabbit with three ears, Snow White as “brown leaves” and a king’s daughter who prefers adventures instead of getting married. These characters and many more can be found in “Wonderland for Everyone”, which was published in Hungary last autumn. The idea behind the children’s book is to retell traditional fairy tales. And so it gathers 17 stories in which authors such as Judit B. Tóth, Zoltán Csehy, Petra Finy and Dóra Gemesi report on various heroes.

The book "Wonderland for everyone" is highly controversial in Hungary

Colorful and still magical: the cover of “Märchenland für alle”

© star

Shortly after its publication, the children’s book in Hungary was the subject of months of political debate and the government used it as an opportunity to introduce homophobic and transphobic laws. It aroused criticism from ultra-conservative and right-wing radical groups and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who saw the book as an attack on allegedly traditional family values ​​that they represent.

For freedom of expression and diversity

Regardless of the boycott attempts, “Märchenland für alle” has since developed into a bestseller and was included in the “White Ravens” 2021, a list that highlights 200 high-quality international books for children and young people. It will soon appear in other European countries. The editors of the Labrisz Lesbian Association have now sold the rights internationally. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland the star the book exclusively in bookshops. All media of the Bertelsmann Content Alliance, which also includes the star heard, take up the topics around the book editorially and thus set an example for diversity and freedom of expression.

Anna-Beeke Gretemeier and Florian Gless, star-Editor-in-chief: “This book does something great: It brings various role models into the children’s room and thus creates orientation. The various heroines and heroes of fairy tales still experience discrimination in our society far too often in real life. The authors too were attacked for their commitment to equal diversity star brings this special book to Germany to set an example for freedom of expression. And to show: We represent the same values ​​and work together to achieve them – tolerance, democracy and community. We hope that it can also make an important contribution against discrimination and racism in this country. “


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