The social partners do not want it to be extended to all companies

Have a health pass to go to work whatever your business? The social partners are really not ready to validate this idea, which is for the moment only a “hypothesis” put forward by the government. Trade unions and employers were consulted this Monday at the end of the morning by the Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne.

On the side of the bosses, the generalization of the pass to the entire professional sphere raises questions. The Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (CPME), is “rather favorable insofar as it avoids confinement, which is the worst of the worst. After that, there are practical questions that can pose a problem ”. For the Union of local businesses (U2P), “priority must be given to business continuity. So if it has to go through a pass, why not. But this should not be punitive, ”underlines the employers’ organization in allusion to the penalty of 45,000 euros for non-verification of the pass currently in force.

“It corresponds to a vaccination obligation”

“Is it up to business leaders to exercise police powers? “, Asked Sunday on Franceinfo the deputy chairman of Medef, Patrick Martin, whose organization reserves its position and awaits the outcome of discussions with the government. Benoît Serre, vice-president of the National Association of HRDs, spoke Monday on Sud Radio “a gas plant” likely to generate “tension” within companies.

On the union side, the tone is much more hostile. The secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, castigates a measure “absurd and totally ineffective”. “It corresponds to a vaccination obligation. We prefer (…) to strengthen barrier gestures, to encourage more vaccination rather than the introduction of this pass, ”he insisted on Franceinfo. “Better to convince and incite than to coerce”, also declared Michel Beaugas of Force Ouvrière (FO), while Cyril Chabanier (CFTC) said he was “quite reserved”.

The Minister of Labor assured that “nothing will be acted upon at the end” of this videoconference meeting. However, the executive does not hide its desire to find the means to put pressure on the unvaccinated in the face of the fifth wave of Covid-19 and the arrival of the Omicron variant in France. For the “Mister vaccine” of the government, Alain Fischer, who spoke Monday on France Inter, the health pass extended to all companies, “from a scientific angle, it is sure that it is an additional protection which should avoid a serious health crisis ”.

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