The singer reveals herself through a thousand personal photos

Billie Eilish shows her love of photography – 20 minutes

  • Billie Eilish is publishing this Wednesday worldwide an illustrated album of a thousand photos from her personal collection.
  • Billie Eilish by Billie Eilish traces the short life of a young singer-songwriter whose personality is undoubtedly one of the reasons for success.

The image, she fell into when she was little. Billie Eilish releases, this Wednesday and around the world, an autobiography in the form of a photo album:
Billie Eilish by Billie Eilish (Marabout). We haven’t counted them, but at the rate of one, two, three or four per page, we can reasonably think that this large book of 334 pages contains nearly a thousand. Much more than words, for sure, even if the young singer never leaves the slightest doubt about what each of the images she presents represents for her.

Few aspects of her young life (she is only 19) are overlooked. In perfect Instagrammer On her own, Billie Eilish assumes that she has a lot more to show than to hide. “I’ve always loved being photographed,” she said for the promotion of the book. At 14 already, I really, really liked it. And I think it can still be seen today. “

From his early childhood to his young star career

The images she shares with us are like a thousand snapshots of her short existence, from her early childhood to her young career as a star. We imagine it to be intense. Or maybe not that much. “Many people believe that when Ocean eyes came out, in 2016, I immediately became a superstar, I quit everything and became famous. But it didn’t turn out like that at all. My life stayed the same for a while, ”she laughs.

The celebrity did not intoxicate her, the affection of her parents, her complicity with her brother Finneas, her dogs with whom she was “always too comfortable”, the meeting with her first fan, her giggles of kid, his posters of Justin Bieber in his room and his wallpapers, his first concerts and his shootings which did not necessarily go as she hoped, because “it is not easy to convince a whole bunch of experienced adults to listen to the ideas of a 15-year-old girl ”.

And if there is nothing about his love life, what does it matter: Billie Eilish by Billie Eilish already shows that she does not take herself for what she is not, just for a young girl not yet completely out of childhood and who does not take the lead to find out what will become of her.

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