The Seznec affair is a century old and still remains a mystery

We cannot speak of a cold case, because justice has already been pronounced. The Seznec affair nevertheless remains a mystery and still continues to intrigue after a century. Because in this criminal file, no corpse, no murder weapon or well-defined motive. The facts date back to May 25, 1923 when Pierre Quéméneur, General Councilor of Finistère, disappeared while leaving for a business trip to Paris. After several weeks of investigation, Guillaume Seznec, his friend and associate who accompanied him on a trip, was arrested for murder and then sentenced a year later to life imprisonment.

The timber merchant based in Morlaix (Finistère) spent twenty years in Cayenne before being pardoned and returning to mainland France in 1947. Since his conviction, his family has been mobilizing to have his innocence recognized with fourteen requests for revision of the trial which have filed, all refused. Many hypotheses have also circulated over the years in this case that 20 minutes summarizes you in a video.

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