The Rumpel-Pumpel-Theater at the Weimar Art Festival: Carousel tour through Thuringia – Culture

Snappy, smart, and engaging: The Rumpel-Pumpel Theater is shaking up the Thuringian provinces with its play “The Hotel on the Carousel.”

There is something to be said for the way the red-glittering Lassie Jason (Anne Eigner), a sly lady, puts on a great show of suffering on the Herderplatz in Weimar at night, wistfully lounging on the cobblestones, acting like a weak, helpless woman (“I’m so thin!”) in order to get everything she wants from the men. A carousel, for example. She has already snatched the one behind her, glowing as brightly as light bulbs, illegally, with the help of her two henchmen Mike & Maik, who were caught by Inspector Eierloch during the theft. The wannabe supermen in this play entitled “The Hotel on the Carousel” are not exactly the brightest, but they have an all the higher turbulence quotient, which is very beneficial to the theater’s hype. There is great hilarity among the audience scattered around the carousel, which is directly addressed and played to by the Rumpel-Pumpel-Theater (RPT), rumbling and pumping intrusively, as is their way. Self-chosen motto: Bang! Puff! Bang!

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