The return of the Pure Cru Wine Festival on the quays, a glass in hand

Until Sunday, several hundred thousand people are expected on the Bordeaux quays to the wine festival, launched this Thursday. If tastings were organized at wine merchants and restaurateurs last year, in the midst of a health crisis, (and renewed this year) the 2022 edition revives the fundamentals of the Wine Festival and in the first place, tastings on the quays , more than 1.5 kilometers long.

Around thirty appellations from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region are represented and have their products tasted via a tasting pass. Gastronomic, tourist and cultural stands complement the tastings, organized in a guinguette spirit. “It’s an important moment because the contact of the sector is very strong with consumers”, points out Bernard Farges director of the interprofession of Bordeaux wines. The wine school also offers tasting initiations in its pavilion

Friday from 11 p.m., fireworks will be fired from the Garonne by the Ruggieri company and should attract the crowd. Three tall ships, which can be visited by reservation, also docked for the occasion in the port of the moon. This year, Brussels is the city of honor; she will share some nuggets of her gastronomy and her fondness for comic books.

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