The retirement homes of the Orpea group implicated for mistreatment

Shocking revelations that lead to a stock market crash. The newspaper The world
published the “good leaves” on Monday of a book-investigation by Victor Castanet, The Gravediggers, which comes out this Wednesday at Fayard. The journalist reveals numerous cases of abuse in the Ehpad of the Orpea group, with supporting testimonies.

In particular that of a carer who tells how much she had to “fight to obtain protection” for the residents. “We were rationed: it was three diapers a day maximum. And not one more. It doesn’t matter that the resident is sick, that he has gastro, that there is an epidemic. Nobody wanted to know anything,” she says.

“I obtained testimonies according to which these dysfunctions had their origin in a policy of cost reduction implemented at a high level”, explained Victor Castanet to AFP.

The company “formally contests”

The company “formally challenged” Monday evening the accusations, which it considers “false, outrageous and prejudicial”. “We are not rationing, it does not correspond to our directives, it does not correspond to our values”, declared Jean-Christophe Romersi, director general of Orpea, on BFMTV on Tuesday evening. “We will never sacrifice the quality of support, the quality of care to any notion of profitability whatsoever. »

These revelations made Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, react this Tuesday on LCI: “We are going to ask him questions [au groupe Orpea]. I am waiting to have factual elements from the independent evaluation and control authorities, ”he said. On the initiative of the deputy Christine Pires Beaune, the socialist deputies proposed that parliamentarians have the right to visit nursing homes, hospitals and any structure whose residents or patients benefit from public aid, “unexpectedly, as we have it for prisons”.

Following these accusations, Orpea’s listing plunged 20.35% on the Paris Stock Exchange on Tuesday, after falling more than 16% the day before. Other groups in the same sector were affected, notably Korian, which lost 4.80%, after a drop of nearly 15% on Monday.

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