the Qatari mediator says he is waiting for “a clear position” from Israel on the ceasefire plan

Qatar, one of the mediators in the talks between Israel and Hamas, said on Tuesday June 4 that it was waiting “a clear position” of the Israeli government on the ceasefire plan in the Gaza Strip announced by American President Joe Biden. “We have read and seen the contradictory statements coming from Israeli ministers, which does not give us much confidence that there is a unified position in Israel on the proposal currently on the table”, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesperson Majed al-Ansari said at a press conference. He also pointed out that Hamas had not announced its position either. Follow our live stream.

Benjamin Netanyahu will not deliver a speech to the US Congress on June 13. The Prime Minister’s Office Israeli official told Israeli media on Tuesday that the date of his trip had not “not been finalized”. Yet, THEAmerican media Punchbowl News and Politico reported Monday that the head of the Israeli government would give a speech to elected representatives of Congress on June 13. The Prime Minister’s teams clarified that this date interfered with Jewish holidays.

The United States wants the UN Security Council to support the truce plan. Washington announced on Monday a draft resolution to support the Gaza ceasefire agreement presented by President Joe Biden and call on Hamas to accept it. Many leaders and governments, including in the region, have supported this plan and we call on the Security Council to join them in calling for the implementation of this plan without delay and without new conditions.”declared the American ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, in a press release.

Iranian foreign minister meets Hezbollah leader. In a statement, Hezbollah announced that its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, had received Ali Bagheri, the new interim Iranian foreign minister, with whom he discussed “the latest political and security developments in the region, particularly on the Gaza and Lebanon fronts and the proposed solutions“.

The UN considers “inconceivable” the number of Palestinians killed in the West Bank since October 7. Alongside the deadly operations of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip, “the population of the occupied West Bank is also subjected, day after day, to unprecedented bloodshed”warns the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a press release on Tuesday. It is inconceivable that so many lives have been taken in such a wanton manner.”. More than 500 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank since Hamas attacks in Israel.

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