The PS “refuses” a socialist prime minister and LR one of their ranks, Gabriel Attal says ironically – Le Figaro

  1. The PS “refuses” a socialist prime minister and LR one of their ranks, Gabriel Attal says ironicallyThe Figaro
  2. Live, back to school in politics: the PS and LR oppose the appointment of a prime minister from their ranks, says Gabriel Attal ironicallyThe World
  3. Gabriel Attal ironizes on the PS and LR, who “refuse” to have a Prime Minister from their ranksThe Parisian
  4. Gabriel Attal mocks the PS and LR who “do not want” a Prime Minister from their ranksThe Point
  5. Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Gabriel Attal optimistic and combative in the face of regional activists of the Renaissance partyProgress

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