The pressure continues to ease in hospitals

The intensive care unit of CHU Pellegrin, in Bordeaux. – UGO AMEZ

The pressure has continued to recede in hospitals subjected to the coronavirus crisis for more than a year now. The number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients fell below 18,000 this Thursday, with 3,200 people in critical care, according to data from Public Health France.

Currently, 17,941 Covid-19 patients are in hospital, with 499 new admissions in the past twenty-four hours. The figure, which had exceeded 31,000 at the height of the third wave, in mid-April, had fallen below 20,000 on Saturday for the first time since October 27. Among these patients, 3,206 are in critical care (resuscitation, intensive care, continuing care) and 127 people were admitted there in one day.

A total of 13,933 cases detected in the last 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, 146 people have died in hospital. The total of deaths stands at 109,194. The test positivity rate stood at 3.3% over the last seven days, against 3.5% the day before. A total of 13,933 cases have been detected in the past 24 hours.

Vaccination, which will be open to any adult from May 31, continues: 24,564,418 people received a dose (36.7% of the total population and 46.8% of the adult population) and 10,321. 847 two doses (15.4% of the total population and 19.7% of the adult population), according to the Ministry of Health.

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