the president of South Korea on a surprise visit to Boutcha, before meeting Volodymyr Zelensky

South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol paid a surprise visit to Ukraine on Saturday July 15, during which he visited the city of Boutcha, the scene of a massacre of civilians attributed to the Russian army, in May 2022 . “The President first visited the site of the Boutcha massacre, near the capital Kiev, as well as the town of Irpin, where the missile attacks were concentrated on civilian residential areas”, said the South Korean presidency, adding that a meeting between Volodymyr Zelensky and Yoon Suk-yeol would take place later in the day. Follow our live.

Wagner militia mercenaries work as “instructors” of the Belarusian army. Fighters from the paramilitary group have started working as “instructors” for Belarus’ territorial defense forces, Minsk announced on Friday, three weeks after Russia’s aborted Wagner rebellion. “Training sessions with units of territorial troops are taking place near Asipovichy”, in the east of the country, explained the Belarusian Ministry of Defense. According to him, “Wagner’s fighters act as instructors in a number of military disciplines”.

The counter-offensive “is not advancing so quickly”, admits kyiv. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, faced with resistance from Russian forces, “don’t go so fast”admitted on Friday the head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, Andriï Yermak. “If we see that something is not right, we say so. No one is going to embellish”, he added. Ukraine will not negotiate with Russia as long as Moscow’s troops are on Ukrainian territory, Andriï Yermak also argued. “Our position is very clear. Even thinking about negotiations will only be possible after Russian troops leave our territory”the official said.

Towards a renewal of the grain agreement in the Black Sea? Vladimir Putin is “All right” with Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the agreement on grain exports to be renewed (it is due to expire on Monday), the Turkish president said on Friday. Asked by Russian press agencies, the Kremlin spokesman did not confirm the statements of the strongman of Ankara.

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