The prefecture announces new measures

The major storms this week will not have been enough. The 10 mm to 75 mm of rain that fell in the Alpes-Maritimes made it possible to “temporarily relieve the levels of surface waterways” but not “to permanently reverse the underlying trend [le déficit de 40 à 60 % par rapport à la normale des recharges d’eau] “, as the prefecture writes in a press release.

State services then once again triggered the “crisis stage”, the highest level of severity in the event of drought in certain territories. It has only concerned the Esteron watershed since June 19, it extends this Friday to those of Artuby, Brague and Paillons. Thus, it is forbidden to water night and day and it is particularly imperative to reduce industrial consumption by 60%, until July 31.

The downstream Siagne basin remains on “vigilance”

The prefect also places the watersheds of the Siagne upstream, the Loup and the Cagne, the Var upstream, the Var downstream, and the basin of the Roya, the Bévéra and the coastal areas of Menton at the “reinforced alert stage”. . The downstream Siagne basin remains “vigilant” thanks to the Saint-Cassien lake reserve.

The prefecture recalls that these measures may be tightened or extended depending on the evolution of the situation. In the event of non-compliance with the instructions, users risk up to 1,500 euros and up to 3,000 euros in the event of a repeat offense. Since the beginning of the controls, already 25 fines have been drawn up.

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