The prefect of police denies having exchanged with the gendarmes about the presence of the GIGN on July 14

“Everything is wrong from start to finish. “According to information from 20 minutes, the Paris police chief did not appreciate reading in the press that he had opposed a demonstration by the GIGN on July 14th.

A source familiar with the matter explains to us that Didier Lallement was surprised to learn that the elite unit of the gendarmerie was to participate in a simulation of the release of hostages at the Defense on the sidelines of the traditional military parade. The capital and the neighboring departments are in fact located in the police zone, and the Paris judicial police have its own intervention unit, the BRI.

Lallemant “never said no”

But the senior official would have “never said no” to the presence of the GIGN in Paris, as several sources said this week. Chained duck and to 20 minutes. Only, he did not want the gendarmes to be the only ones to participate in this demonstration. He would have preferred to attend an exercise honoring members of the BRI, supported by agents of the Raid – which depends on the general direction of the national police – and the GIGN. The idea is to show that everyone can work together… in perfect harmony.

Admittedly, the BRI police officers are not officially qualified to participate in the type of helicopter operation that had been planned. But their counterparts in the Raid have it, and could perfectly well have participated in the evacuation of the hostages in a pod.

No contact with the boss of the gendarmes

Above all, still according to our information, Didier Lallement was surprised to learn that the boss of the gendarmes, General Christian Rodriguez, wrote to him to discuss this affair. “There was never any contact on the subject with him, everything was done at the ministerial level,” says a good connoisseur of the case. “He never received a letter from him,” said another source.

Finally, Place Beauvau decided and decided to cancel the demonstration of the intervention forces altogether. “Because of a fight that has no place and a controversy that they have created, everyone is punished, disappointed,” blows a police source.

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