The popular Primary supports Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The Popular Primary, a citizens’ initiative which had supported Christiane Taubira in the presidential election before she threw in the towel for lack of sponsorship, announced this Saturday “to support and campaign” for Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s “Popular Union”. . “After a vote of the board of directors which brings together volunteers, local groups, members of the permanent staff and the office, the Popular Primary chooses today to support and campaign for the Popular Union, the best political vehicle to win our ideas in the presidential election, ”explains the citizen movement, in a press release, without citing the candidate of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“The vote, carried out by majority judgment, placed the motion of support for the People’s Union in the lead with more than 50% of the mention” very good “”, explains the citizen movement. The popular Primary admits “that the political strategy of rallying [à gauche] that we have carried for months has not worked because the candidates do not want to come together before the first round”, but affirms that the “citizen movement which has aroused the enthusiasm of half a million people , will not stop there”. “Our mobilization force must serve the victory of ecology and social justice. Now we have to win,” says the popular Primary.

Without ever quoting Christiane Taubira either, the Primary emphasizes that “the impossibility for the candidate supported by the highest citizen designation of this presidential election to obtain the 500 sponsorships reinforces our observation that the rules of the democratic game are obsolete”. Christiane Taubira emerged victorious from the vote of more than 392,000 voters, ahead of the ecologist Yannick Jadot, who came in 2nd position, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (3rd).

The rebellious delighted

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign manager, Manuel Bompard, welcomed this support in a tweet: “The dynamic is still widening around Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s candidacy. Welcome to those who want to take their part in this battle until victory! At work ! »

For Yannick Jadot, the popular primary “has become a gag”. “Let us recognize that in all this time when they fueled the debate, we never really understood what they wanted. I leave them to their internal thing, which for a long time no longer interests the campaign, nor the French, ”he said on BFMTV, on the sidelines of the demonstration of support for Ukraine.

For EELV MEP David Cormand, the “clarification (is) welcome”, he tweeted. “On the other hand, sorry for the 400,000 sincere people who were deceived by this assembly, and of which – for some – it was the first commitment. Don’t be disgusted with politics because of them… You are better than they will ever be”.

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