The park announces the birth of Melman, a male giraffe

After 15 months of gestation, a male giraffe, 1.70 m and 55 kilos, named Melman, was born on Sunday at the ZooParc de Beauval (Loir-et-Cher), the park announced on Tuesday.

“He is doing very well just like his mother Binti, whose first baby is,” the zoo said.

An endangered species

His mother Binti, a reticulated giraffe, gave birth to him at 2:45 p.m. Sunday. “The birth was not long and took place under the watchful eye of the trainers and veterinarians, ready to intervene in case of difficulties”, according to the zoo. “The first feeding took place at 5:15 pm. Then, the other giraffes approached to get to know each other and soak up its scent, ”adds the same source.

Melman is the second giraffe born at ZooParc, two years after the young female Kimia. Their father Momo is the only male in the group. Found in Kenya, Somalia or Ethiopia, reticulated giraffes are classified as endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which numbers around 11,000 in the wild.

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