The other caregiver, injured, “is better”, according to François Braun

The relief and the emotion were palpable, these last hours, at the University Hospital of Reims, after the terror of Monday. The injured colleague of the nurse killed by a patient suffering from psychiatric disorders “is getting better” and is “under surveillance”, said François Braun. “Beyond the anger, there is a certain emotion for what happened, which is absolutely horrible, unspeakable. Carène died, her colleague came out of the operating room, fortunately. She is now under surveillance, she is better, but let us still always be careful, ”explained the minister at the microphone of BFMTV.

This medical secretary had been injured during the attack which took place early Monday afternoon in a hospital in Reims. A 59-year-old man with a knife attacked the two women. Asked about security in hospitals, François Braun conceded that “there is a context of increased violence against caregivers, against (the) mayors” and that “any violence is unacceptable”.

An audit “in all health establishments”

The minister is also meeting the trade unions on Thursday on the subject of safety in hospitals. “There is no banal violence (…) showing your fist to someone is not just a gesture of humor, it is threatening him, insulting a nurse, it is violence”, a he insisted, before calling for “zero tolerance”: “I want this violence to be reported, to be taken into account. »

According to him, “we must take practical and concrete measures that can be seen on the ground: more light in the parking lot where the nurse goes in the evening at 10 p.m., not waiting two months to change the digicode on the office door , the locker room”, he listed, asking for an “audit in all establishments” which must be done “as of next week”. Addressing caregivers, the minister advised them to “not accept any violence”. “We must file a complaint, the institution supports, will support,” he assured.

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