The oppositions are firing on all cylinders before the speech of Emanuel Macron

LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens and EELV mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle. (archives) – ISA HARSIN / SIPA

Territorialized confinement, with schools closed thanks to advanced holidays, while a boost would be given on vaccination: the opposition hopes that its proposals to slow down the third wave of Covid-19 will inspire Emmanuel Macron who must speak Wednesday at 8 p.m. The Republicans have regularly called for doing everything to avoid a national reconfinement on the model of that of March 2020 in view of its psychological, economic and social cost. The boss of deputies LR Damien Abad wished this Wednesday on BFMTV that Emmanuel Macron announces “a territorialized, useful confinement”, by “vaccinating the French as much as possible”, and “with a closure of schools”, by extending the school holidays.

It takes up the proposal relayed by the president (ex-LR) of the Ile-de-France region Valérie Pécresse to close the establishments one month by bringing forward the start of the April holidays to extend them. On vaccination, Emmanuel Macron must “say clearly this evening what is his schedule” and “with which vaccines he will vaccinate the French”, because “today no one wants to be vaccinated with AstraZeneca”, stressed Damien Abad.

Relative consensus on the extension of school holidays

EELV MEP Yannick Jadot on Monday supported Valérie Pécresse’s proposal: “We must anticipate the holidays, keep classes for the children of caregivers, those who are in the first and second lines”, and ” take advantage of the vacation time to vaccinate teachers so that when the school year begins, we have staff who are protected ”. Then, at the start of the school year, classes should be organized in half-groups at primary and secondary level.

France rebellious advocates a duplication of classes with the recruitment of staff, for example students, to help teachers. “Either the government moves once and for all to organize the duplication of classes (…), or indeed it will be necessary to close given the health situation”, summarized the number two of LFI Adrien Quatennens on Radio Classique Wednesday. But “we must do everything not to reconfine”, he added, reiterating LFI’s proposals to “organize society in shifts”, “strengthen sanitary protocols everywhere” with the use of air purifiers in theaters, and “encourage the wearing of the FFP2 mask by distributing it free of charge”.

The president of the National Rally Marine Le Pen wants to “close” schools, or “bring the holidays” to “create a sort of crawl space”. Regarding confinement, she “may well see that we close (…) if we cannot do otherwise, but we vaccinate massively during that time”, and “if there is no no vaccines, we must stop being choosy ”about the Russian vaccine. But we must also according to her “stop saying that things are blazing on all sides”, because “it is false”, and therefore “loosen the screw in the departments where traffic is easing”.

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