“The old man – death on the cliff”: Jan-Gregor Kremp on his weight loss success

“The Old One – Death on the Cliff”
Jan-Gregor Kremp on his weight loss success

“The old man – death on the cliff”: After her daughter fled from a crime scene in her car, Sonja Friedrich (Annika Kuhl) now faces inspectors Tom Kupfer (Ludwig Blochberger) and Richard Voss (Jan-Gregor Kremp, right). .

© ZDF/Hendrik Heiden

Jan-Gregor Kremp investigates in “The Old Man – Death on the Cliff”. His weight loss success is also impressive. That’s what he says in the interview.

In the feature-length series special “Der Alte – Tod am Kliff” (April 15, 8:15 p.m., ZDF), Jan-Gregor Kremp (59) ends up as Chief Inspector Richard Voss to solve a case in Stralsund on the Baltic Sea. The case itself is exciting, as it is about the red-hot ongoing topic of environmental protection.

What is also interesting in the crime thriller is the fact that the new “old man”, who will take over from next year, also has a role in this film. In an interview with spot on news, Kremp tells whether Jan-Gregor Kremp and actor Thomas Heinze (58, “Tatort: ​​Vier Jahre”) already knew during the shooting that Heinze would be his successor. In “Der Alte – Tod am Kliff” it is also impressive to see that the long-time leading actor maintains his weight after losing 20 kilos. In an interview, he revealed the secret behind his weight loss success.

How was the shooting of the series special? What will you remember about it?

Jan-Gregor Kremp: The whole thing was a hell of a ride. Too few days of shooting, weather problems, Corona and, and, and. But the team stuck together and worked hard every day. Chapeau!

Did you know when you were filming that you would stop next year? If so, how much sadness was there?

Kremp: Since I would be filming two more episodes next year, melancholy and the pain of parting were still a long way off.

What souvenir did you take away from the set?

Kremp: My certificate as Munich Honorary Commissioner and a brass bulldog head. It was on my desk in the headquarters.

“Tod am Kliff” is about wind turbines, environmental protection and environmental activists. Is there an environmental protection issue that is close to your heart? If yes, which one and why?

Kremp: Oh my gosh, you don’t even know where to start… How much we need renewable energies, how much has been neglected in the last few decades, is now being shown all too clearly by the war in Ukraine. Climate change and water shortages are also burning issues, the lack of resources must be a concern of our generation, because our children and grandchildren have to bear the brunt of the omissions. We cannot escape this responsibility.

In the film, you have to climb a pinwheel. How was it? How was the view and are you afraid of heights?

Kremp: Climbing was a challenge, the view was fantastic. And am I afraid of heights? But such a day of shooting is expensive, you just have to overcome it. It’s not fun…

In an interview you said that you lost around 20 kilos – which can also be clearly seen in the film. That’s what a lot of people want. What is your weight loss secret? What has worked for you?

Kremp: The secret is probably that I not only started the two components, intermittent fasting and doing 10,000 steps a day, but also followed through. When the first success shows up on the scales, you start to enjoy it and then eat less and healthier. This creates a positive spiral.

Thomas Heinze will succeed you in the title role. He also stars in the series special, albeit in a different role. Was the change already clear? What advice do you have for your successor?

Kremp: The change was still in the stars. I advise him to invent a new “old man” with courage and enthusiasm, to equip him with new colors and ideas. Such a change is above all an opportunity. I am sure he will do well.

The last two episodes with you in “Der Alte” will be shown next spring. How will you watch the very last movie? Do you tend to be alone or together with family and friends?

Kremp: Who knows where I’ll be… But if we’re at home, we’ll definitely watch it together.

As a reason for your exit, you were quoted as saying: “After ten years of ‘Der Alte’, the time has come to think about a change – especially since sixty is getting close.” Do you already have plans how you will celebrate your birthday? How do you imagine the day?

Kremp: The decision has not yet been made. Maybe there’s a trip or I’ll cook for a small round in a nice place. I still have some time and I’ll take it.

How and where will your fans see you again? What projects are planned?

Kremp: Actually, I wanted to take a deep breath and devote myself to music and writing, but offers are actually falling in. Who knows, there might be one I can’t refuse, but I wouldn’t mind a little break either. I’m both very relaxed and a little curious about what’s to come…


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